Pregnancy 5 Weeks To 20 Weeks.

so we found out I was pregnant at what I thought was about 5 weeks (This changes but we will get to that in a bit). The first symptoms I got were bloating,cramps similar to period cramps,tiredness,I was hungry a lot, coccyx pain and the most common symptom and the one that everyone asks about I had morning sickness or evening sickness in my case. 

So lets have a little chat about morning (evening) sickness. If your not keen on sick then skip this bit. I suffered with it quite badly. I think what made it worse was the fact that some nights I wouldn't finish work until 10 o'clock and I would have to warn Jim who would come and walk me home that I felt sick and to prepare him self with the fact I was probably going to be sick on the way and he would have to watch over me whilst it all happened in the street. Some nights it was raining so he would stand over me with an umbrella talk about true love bless him. Another feeling I had was I felt like I couldn't really go out and eat anywhere just in case 'it' happened. I did loose quite a lot of weight from being this sick which wasn't good. Also when I felt hungry I didn't want to eat because I felt sick  but I knew that eating would probably make me feel better. But even though all of this was happening all I could think about was how amazing the human body was and that I was growing mine and Jim's very own little human. It was going to all be worth it. 

Ways to help ease Morning sickness: 
  • Ginger  
  • Fizzy drinks
  • To eat little and often
  • ice lollys 
  But all and all it's more than likely it is going to happen. I would just say embrace it and hope that it moves on quickly. (obviously some woman have it super bad and need help from a doctor now that sucks so count your self lucky if your only sick a small amount)

So it got to our scan date 14/06/17. So many things are going through my head whilst we were waiting to go in, is the baby OK, how many babies are going to be in there, have I drunk enough water so that my bladder is full, hopefully I don't wet my self when the sonographer is pressing on my tummy because I've drunk so much water i'm going to burst. So we walk in. laid down and then on the screen in front you can see the little alien looking thing wriggling around. The sonographers say straight away that they can see the heart beat and there is only one.I love how they let you know straight away that there is a heart beat so you don't panic.So the man did all the measurements and it turns out I was 11 weeks not 12 so we would have to come back and have another scan when I was 12 weeks.    

                                                   Our little bug at 11 weeks
                     Our little bug at 12 weeks

So lets get on to cravings and foods I had gone off. Turns out every food I loved baby didn't so I would say at around 10 weeks I went off chocolate and pizza!!!!! The two things most of us girls cant live without. But I just didn't want it. My cravings were cereal I loved sugar puffs and life before I got pregnant I absolutely hated cereal. Sweets I loved them (this would get me in a little trouble later on but we will get to that) I would eat them everyday. I would always makes sure I had a little stash in my hand bag.

The bump. Everyone is different, this is also the same for bumps every bump is different and people show at different times. I noticed mine pop at 18 weeks anything before that I was just bloated although I did think that it was a bump at that time. I loved my bump I really miss it. With my bump I was all out front and from behind I didn't look pregnant.At work I would turn around to help a customer and they would be shocked to see my bump.  

                        My bump at 18 weeks 

Feeling the baby kick for the first time was amazing and it happened at about 17 weeks, I also managed to get it on video. It was the best feeling in the world and a feeling I had longed for for so long.Knowing that this little baby was moving around kicking and poking me was just lovely. I couldn't wait for Jim to feel the baby kick but of course what happens is you call your partner over and the baby stops, the amount of times I would call Jim and he would get so annoyed because baby would stop. Whoops. But this is probably the one thing apart from the bump that I seriously miss. I would find if I ever got stressed out or cried the baby would kick and it would bring me back and I would focus on the baby again, and actually the things i'm crying about are not as important to me than this baby and I need to make sure that I kept calm stress free for this baby.   
                       our baby announcement 

             Next Blog pregnancy from 20 weeks to 35 Weeks❤


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