Pregnancy From 20 Weeks To 35 Weeks.

So my 20 week scan was just as nerve racking as the 12 week one.We decided we would find out if we were having a boy or a girl. I'll admit I wanted a girl but as long as baby was happy and healthy then it was all good and if it was a girl then bonus. Obviously Jim wanted a boy he did make a good point, that if we have a boy now and a girl second she would have a big brother to protect her which I thought was quite sweet. So the sonographer said 'its a boy' I was so happy and excited but I was especially excited and happy for Jim his face just lit up, I know it meant a lot for him to have a boy so that his family surname would carry on as he has a family of girls.

So after we found out that we were having a baby boy all the measurement were being done. Our little boy would not sit still, taking after his daddy already. It took double the time to do the scan due to him wiggling so much. But the lady had mentioned that he had quite a big tummy(this is where the sweets come into it). The lady had asked me if I ate a lot of sweet things or cake and because I was just caught up in the moment I said no , I did I did eat a lot of sweets in fact at that moment of her asking me I had a big packet of skittles, strawberry pencils and fruit pastels in my bag not good really. So we got sent up stairs for a another person to check all the results out. They came back fine but I would have to have an early diabetes test, I then finally admitted my sweet addiction and got told off, I blamed the baby. 

The glucose test, so obviously I had to have it early as you have just read.Your not allowed to eat anything after 9pm the day before your test and your only allowed to drink water.I think its either two or one hour before your blood test you have to drink this horrible glucose drink as quickly as you can, it was rank the only way I can describe it is undiluted squash with a kick to it. Then have your blood test done a few hours later. Luckily everything came fine for us. But I thought because I had already had one done that I wouldn't have to do it again but nope I had to do it twice, one again at about 28 weeks which is when you would normally have it done .
                      Me at 24 weeks pregnant 

Braxton hicks. I pretty much had these through out my whole pregnancy and not realising what they were, until it happened at one of my midwife appointments when I was about 34 weeks. It was the weirdest feeling and I would get them whenever, my bump would tighten and go a strange shape and super hard. I would get really hot and flustered anytime I would have one. So they say that braxton hicks are practice contractions, your body getting ready to give birth, my contractions felt like this at the beginning of me going into labour but they soon turned into something else. But we will come to that. 
   A photo of my bump when I was having Braxton hicks So strange.

So apart from the Braxton hicks, sleepless nights, needing a wee all the time, not being able to pick things up and having a waddle I was Doing OK. I had a few stretch marks but i wasn't to fussed about getting them. 

On the 26th of Nov I had my baby shower. I didn't want anything big and I just wanted a few people there. It was a lovely afternoon involving fire that almost burnt my mums house down and cake. What more could you want at a baby shower 



After my baby shower I had three days left at work and I could not wait to finish. I was struggling at work as it is quite a physical job and I had always been the one to get stuck in carry heavy objects, get delivery out quickly and I had to slowed right down towards the end.But I always did my best. So the 29th came and it was my last day, I had walked in and my colleagues had decorated the office it was a lovely surprise. Six o'clock came and I packed all my things up said goodbye to everyone and waddled home with my balloons I must of looked like a right nutter. I Got in and had a lovely relaxing bath. 

The next day me and Jim spent the day tiding up as we had an inspection on our flat in a few days, so we were just getting everything sorted for that. We had recently become addicted to Peaky blinders and decided to stay up late that evening and watch a few episodes of that. We got into bed at about 12ish. And then that's when it happened......... 

 my bump at 35 weeks three days before I went into early labour 
            (not as classy as I the other photos I know 😊)

                Next Blog The Arrival Of Our Max❤   


Jim Leach said…
You’re an amazing mother and wife and we both love you dearly,

I’m so proud of you,

Keep up the amazing blogs,

Your best friend and husband Jim xxxx

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