The Arrival Of Our Max

so you might want to make your self a cuppa and get a snack because this is a long one. Also goes into a little bit of detail on a few things that happen.

1 am in the morning we were in bed and I felt like I had wet my self so I went to the loo tidied my self up and got back into bed. It happened again. I woke Jim up and said something isn't right here, I think I keep wetting my self or my waters have broke, and at the point a lot more fluid came out. So I rang the hospital and explained that I think my waters have broke but i'm only 35 weeks. They told us to come in. So here was the slight issue neither me or James drive and it was 1 in the morning which family member was going to be up? and obviously none of them expecting me to ring them telling them that my waters could of broke.

So we rang my mum a few times, no answer. Next best person was my brother. So I rang him and luckily he answered, he obviously was a bit shocked as to why I was ringing him. I said "I think my waters have broke and I need to go to hospital, can you please wake mum up", he then said "so what your in labour" and I replied "well yeah maybe harry just hurry up". Next thing my mum rings me turns out she had a bit to much wine that night and wasn't able to drive. So luckily my sister who had just had a baby three months before was of course up and awake. so she picked my mum up and then came to us. 

We got to Worthing hospital and we were put into a room where they did all sorts of tests to see what was actually going on and they confirmed that yes my waters had broke and I was in labour. I was still leaking quite a lot of fluid and had the worst wind which did not mix well together but gave me, Jim and my mum a few laughs whilst we were waiting. 

So it turned out that their NICU was full so we were going to have to go to Chichester hospital so they called for an ambulance to come and pick us up. I've never been in an ambulance before so that was quite fun. Whilst all of this is happening my contractions were getting worse. Meanwhile my mum had gone home to get some more sleep before the arrival. 

So we arrived at chichester got examined and it turned out that from Worthing to chichester I had dilated to 2cm. So that was that. The next thing was that I hadn't packed any of my bags and I was the only one who knew where anything was in the babys room. So I had to try and explain where everything was to my mum bless her and then she had to get stuff for me as well it was a bit of a nightmare. 

The next bit is all a bit of a blur and felt like it went super quick but actually didn't. I was induced at about 8 in the morning. I can't remember which way I was induced, but I wasn't allowed to eat or walk around. I was constantly attached to the drip. Which made going to the loo not very private affair,as I would have to go in front of everyone into a cardboard bowl that was placed on a chair and pretty much every time I went for a wee, I would have a contraction. But also this way of being induced heightens the contraction so they are a lot worse than they would of been.Now my sister who had had her baby three months before was silent throughout the whole thing just zoned out, so I felt like I had to live up to how Abi gave birth, well that went out the window very quickly.I had a lot of back pain and I remember most of the noises I was making was because of that.

                      Poor Jimmy super tired. 

So in my birthing plan I wanted a water birth, skin to skin straight after he was born and then that would hopefully lead to and easy latch on and I would breastfeed, but unfortunately none of that would happen, but I was OK with that as long as baby was happy and healthy I didn't care. I would say if your pregnant and you have a birthing plan be very open minded about it and be prepared for it not to go to plan. 

Alot of time had past and my contractions were getting worse. I was getting more emotional and cried pretty much every time my midwifes shift had ended and swapped over and I was always very polite making sure that I thanked them and said that I hope they have a good rest of their day whilst I cried my eyes out. My mum would have to explain to everyone that I was ok and that im like this all the time and if they wanted to laugh at me it was ok, because if I knew what was going on I would be laughing to. 

Now here comes the poo talk I think anyone that is about to give birth is always a little scared that they may poop. So my tactic was to be up front and straight with the midwifes and just tell them that I felt like I was going to poop and they weren't fussed at all if anything its a good sign that you feel like you need to poop means baby is coming (And just so you know I didn't poop fewwww). 

 My favourite midwife had stay on after her shift because she wanted to see my baby be born and she had taken a liking to me, She would later become a great comfort to me after our boy was born. So no one can remember how long I was pushing for so I can't tell you the time but Pushing was a lot easier and less painful than the contractions for me. I only had gas and air but I wasn't using it correctly, which is when me and my mum had a little domestic, which was quite  funny.

Then it came down to the last bit. All the midwifes kept saying to me was that they could feel and see lots of dark hair.which kind of helped me focus and get the job done, So I pushed and Pushed and pushed And then at 8.25pm weighing 6lb 15oz (which we didn't find out until much later on) Our little boy was born. I was a Mum we had our little boy.  

So throughout the whole birth I never really worried about the fact that our little boy was going to be 5 weeks early and that something could be wrong with him or go wrong it just never really entered my mind obviously the midwifes had told me that he would be taken straight away up to the NICU but that still never worried me.So I got my quick cuddle with him and he was whisked off. It was horrible and strange not having him with me. 
                               Our boy 
So after you give birth you have to give birth to the placenta as well, I had the injection which basically gets your body to just do it pretty much straight away with no effort on your part. After that was out, being the weirdo that I am I wanted to see the placenta and be shown all the different parts but I wanted to see what had kept my boy nice and healthy for 8 months. It was very interesting and it gave the student midwife a little bit of test bless her.

I got all stitched up had a sleep, tried to eat because don't forget I hadn't eaten for over 24 hours. Getting up of the bed was the strangest sensation I just felt wobbly and light. I then had a shower which Jim had to help me with, not sure how he managed to do that really. Not one of my most attractive moments. And then to top it off the only pjs my mum could find were my 'my little pony' ones. Not embarrassing at all.

                     Jim's First cuddle with Max

                  NEXT BLOG Entering Motherhood❤




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