Now The Real Work Begins
So we got home,it felt so good to be home with both my boys. My amazing mum had brought a Tommee Tippee prep machine which is a life saver by the way. She also with my sisters helped set up the steriliser and made sure our house was all tidy and set up ready for max's arrival.I don't know what I would of done without them and i'm so thankful for all my family for what they did that week for me James and Max.

first day at home
But nothing can prepare you for how hard parenting can be.I defiantly didn't realise........
Lets start with tiredness.In my experience the tiredness from giving birth never goes, from that point onward I have been tired, and I have never felt tired like this before. I always say, I always thought I was tired before, that was nothing compared to this. They say sleep when the baby sleeps but that is a super difficult thing to do when you have a kitchen to tidy, washing to put on, house to hoover and all the other household things you need to do. Also if you have a baby like Max in the first three months during the day he would only sleep on me, so I literally got nothing done (apart from managing to watch a lot of tv series ) until he was down for the night. But your body soon gets used it plus you do just have to get on with it as it's your new way of life.
The first month was a breeze Max just slept pooped and ate pretty easy really. Then I would say from January so Max would of been one month, he began just screaming in pain most of the day, any milk he would take he would just throw up, by throw up I mean projectile vomiting. I would avoid going out when I needed to feed him because I was so scared he was going to be sick everywhere. Also if someone wanted to hold him I would have to warn them that they might get covered in sick.I could never lay him down after a feed other wise he would 100% every time be sick. Now most babies get colic the cause of colic is unknown, normally babies suffer with it in the evening for a few hours and its constant crying and they have tummy discomfort it's horrible to see your baby in such a state. There was nothing I could do to help max and I remember spending evenings in his nursery and both of us just crying. There are products you can use like Infacol and Colief, I found Colief to work a lot better than the infacol. But max was still being sick.It was like this for about two months before I decided to take him to the doctors after my mum told me this is not normal and I was also worried that he was not going to put on weight because he was constantly throwing it up again.
There was this one week that I pretty much went to the doctors everyday that has properly been the worst week so far. Max cried all day every day I cried all day every day. So firstly the doctor thought max had a little cold so gave me saline drops to put in his nose, didn't work. My mum had done some research and and possibly thought it was a cows milk allergy. So I got new formula for him from the doctor called Nutramigen, Max took to it really well, but he was still screaming in pain. So the next day would be my forth visit to the doctors, it had been a bad morning anyway obviously crying baby and I also had a funeral I was trying to get ready for as well. As I was leaving I couldn't find my keys I search everywhere for them and couldn't find them, so at this point I broke I was crying. So I left the flat unlocked luckily we live in a block of flats so it wasn't so bad that the door was unlocked. I got to the doctors and it was so busy , I ended up sitting someones wife's chair to which is promptly informed me so I had to move. The old boy then proceeded to say "I hope hes not going to cry" to which I replied "well hes been crying all morning so I can't guarantee that he wont" and at that point I cried snot, blotchy red face everything and then of course max started to cry as well. I must of looked like a right nutter. Max's name got called. I sat down and of course he asked how can he help and that set me off again. The doctor was so good he just sat and watch max and studied him it felt so nice to be listened to. He prescribed us Gavison infant and that afternoon Max had a full bottle without screaming and it was such a relief. The doctor then rang early evening, as he had been thinking of us during the day and wanted to make sure that everything was going OK. I thought that was such a lovely gesture.
Max was and still is very much a mummy's boy. When he was younger I always made sure that he was held by lots of different people so that he would feel comfortable with new people. Well that completely back fired.No one could feed him because he was such a difficult feeder and I was the only one who knew all the tricks, and no one could hold him because he would just scream it was super hard, not even James could hold him and its only been in the last few months that Max has felt comfortable with him, and I know Jim found that really hard as he wanted to help me out but just couldn't. I mean if you want to look at it in a positive way at least I know i'm doing a good job so much that he only he wants me and finds me most comforting. But I found my mum didn't really bond with him as much as she did with my nephew and I really struggled with that. I just felt bad for everyone that wanted a cuddle because it would only last two seconds and they would have to give him back(this is still the same now, he is getting a lot better though).
So we had sorted his milk out and that was all good, but my mum had noticed that Max had flattening on one side of his head and he would only really have his head on one side and rarely moved it, he also was still super cranky. So again my super mum did some research and found cranial osteopath might do the trick. So I booked in as soon as I could. Babies normally have it done if they were delivered via c section or had a traumatic birth. What the person does is kinda massages around the head neck and body, when I took max the man said that he was quite blocked up around the neck, which would explain why he would only have his head to one side and why his reflux was bad and also why he was so cranky. He said that adults with Max's problem have headaches so he didn't see why max wouldn't be getting headaches from this issue and that probably why he would be so grumpy most of the time. We had two sessions and it was amazing I could see a difference the first time we went. I'm so glad I did it and when if I have another baby i'm going to take him/her regardless.
So that was the first few months of Max's life. Pretty hectic and emotional. But he's now a super happy 8 month old.He has such a funny character,never sits still,talks all the time and loves his food and mummy of course.We are now at the crawling stage well army crawling, as he's not quite figured out what his arms are for yet.I love him so much and I cant wait to watch him grow up and see what a lovely young man he's going to be.

first day at home
But nothing can prepare you for how hard parenting can be.I defiantly didn't realise........
Lets start with tiredness.In my experience the tiredness from giving birth never goes, from that point onward I have been tired, and I have never felt tired like this before. I always say, I always thought I was tired before, that was nothing compared to this. They say sleep when the baby sleeps but that is a super difficult thing to do when you have a kitchen to tidy, washing to put on, house to hoover and all the other household things you need to do. Also if you have a baby like Max in the first three months during the day he would only sleep on me, so I literally got nothing done (apart from managing to watch a lot of tv series ) until he was down for the night. But your body soon gets used it plus you do just have to get on with it as it's your new way of life.
The first month was a breeze Max just slept pooped and ate pretty easy really. Then I would say from January so Max would of been one month, he began just screaming in pain most of the day, any milk he would take he would just throw up, by throw up I mean projectile vomiting. I would avoid going out when I needed to feed him because I was so scared he was going to be sick everywhere. Also if someone wanted to hold him I would have to warn them that they might get covered in sick.I could never lay him down after a feed other wise he would 100% every time be sick. Now most babies get colic the cause of colic is unknown, normally babies suffer with it in the evening for a few hours and its constant crying and they have tummy discomfort it's horrible to see your baby in such a state. There was nothing I could do to help max and I remember spending evenings in his nursery and both of us just crying. There are products you can use like Infacol and Colief, I found Colief to work a lot better than the infacol. But max was still being sick.It was like this for about two months before I decided to take him to the doctors after my mum told me this is not normal and I was also worried that he was not going to put on weight because he was constantly throwing it up again.
One month old |
There was this one week that I pretty much went to the doctors everyday that has properly been the worst week so far. Max cried all day every day I cried all day every day. So firstly the doctor thought max had a little cold so gave me saline drops to put in his nose, didn't work. My mum had done some research and and possibly thought it was a cows milk allergy. So I got new formula for him from the doctor called Nutramigen, Max took to it really well, but he was still screaming in pain. So the next day would be my forth visit to the doctors, it had been a bad morning anyway obviously crying baby and I also had a funeral I was trying to get ready for as well. As I was leaving I couldn't find my keys I search everywhere for them and couldn't find them, so at this point I broke I was crying. So I left the flat unlocked luckily we live in a block of flats so it wasn't so bad that the door was unlocked. I got to the doctors and it was so busy , I ended up sitting someones wife's chair to which is promptly informed me so I had to move. The old boy then proceeded to say "I hope hes not going to cry" to which I replied "well hes been crying all morning so I can't guarantee that he wont" and at that point I cried snot, blotchy red face everything and then of course max started to cry as well. I must of looked like a right nutter. Max's name got called. I sat down and of course he asked how can he help and that set me off again. The doctor was so good he just sat and watch max and studied him it felt so nice to be listened to. He prescribed us Gavison infant and that afternoon Max had a full bottle without screaming and it was such a relief. The doctor then rang early evening, as he had been thinking of us during the day and wanted to make sure that everything was going OK. I thought that was such a lovely gesture.
This was the day that he finally had a bottle with out screaming |
Max was and still is very much a mummy's boy. When he was younger I always made sure that he was held by lots of different people so that he would feel comfortable with new people. Well that completely back fired.No one could feed him because he was such a difficult feeder and I was the only one who knew all the tricks, and no one could hold him because he would just scream it was super hard, not even James could hold him and its only been in the last few months that Max has felt comfortable with him, and I know Jim found that really hard as he wanted to help me out but just couldn't. I mean if you want to look at it in a positive way at least I know i'm doing a good job so much that he only he wants me and finds me most comforting. But I found my mum didn't really bond with him as much as she did with my nephew and I really struggled with that. I just felt bad for everyone that wanted a cuddle because it would only last two seconds and they would have to give him back(this is still the same now, he is getting a lot better though).
So we had sorted his milk out and that was all good, but my mum had noticed that Max had flattening on one side of his head and he would only really have his head on one side and rarely moved it, he also was still super cranky. So again my super mum did some research and found cranial osteopath might do the trick. So I booked in as soon as I could. Babies normally have it done if they were delivered via c section or had a traumatic birth. What the person does is kinda massages around the head neck and body, when I took max the man said that he was quite blocked up around the neck, which would explain why he would only have his head to one side and why his reflux was bad and also why he was so cranky. He said that adults with Max's problem have headaches so he didn't see why max wouldn't be getting headaches from this issue and that probably why he would be so grumpy most of the time. We had two sessions and it was amazing I could see a difference the first time we went. I'm so glad I did it and when if I have another baby i'm going to take him/her regardless.
Max at baby group |
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